Pedestrian Street of Apostolos Pavlos

This is the "Big Passageway" of the recent Athenian history. This is the biggest town planning intervention of the recent years in the capital with the aim to bring out ancient Athens.
The pedestrian way is the connecting web of the most important archaeological locations of Athens and Greece in general. It connects Kerameikos, the Ancient Agora, the hills of the Nymphs (Pnyka), the Muses (Filopappou), Areios Pagos, the Acropolis, the Dionysian theatre and the Olympeion. At the same time it connects locations of ample turnout such as the Odeon of Herodes Atticus and the new museum of the Acropolis.
The idea came from the plan proposal of two architects, Kleanthis and Saubert (1833) which has been approved but never applied. It has been supported by former mayor Antonis Tritsis and was realized in the beginning of the 3rd millennium.
The walkway, a creation of the Unification of the Archaeological Sites of Athens s.a. became an asset of the whole Athenian population. Children, young or old people gather here and enjoy a quiet walk under the shadow of theSacred Rock of the Acropolis without the disturbance of vehicles.