The Hill of Muses - Philopappou

Southwest of the Acropolis is situated the hill of the muses with an altitude of 147 m. This was a holy shrine dedicated to the muses (Mouseion). On top of the hill the foundations of a fortified yard dating back to 294 BC are distinguishing. These were built by Dimitrios the conqueror for the installation of a guard. Here, during the years of the Roman Empire and more specifically in 115 AC, with the permission of the municipality, the burial monument of Filopappos, the ancestor of the Seleucids was built.
During 1954-1957, the architect and thinker Dimitris Pikionis formed a wonderful site of Acropolis' view from the hill of Philopappos as well as the accesses to the Sacred Rock of the Acropolis and the hills of Areios Pagos, the Muses and Nymphs with the aesthetic trails and the sensitive vegetation. Pikionis, a personality of great importance in the history of Greek architecture and art, drew elements from the Greek tradition and was affected by the simplicity of the Japanese culture. He wanted the hill of Philopappou to be freely accessible by the Athenians and the rest of the visitors, as it is today.