Trains in Greece - Greek Railways Organization

The rail network of Greece is in the hands of the Greek Railways Organization, known by the initials OSE. The train in Greece can take you to different destinations inside the country or even abroad. Although travelling by train is the cheapest form of transportation it is also the slowest, and the time of arrival depends on the train you pick. The trip with trains which make all the stops takes more hours but they are cheaper in comparison to trains like Intercity which are very fast with more expensive tickets so it's really up to you to make a choice.
Greece Train Stations
In a distance of about 1 km in Athens you will find two train stations, Peloponnese station and Larissis station. As their names state in the station of Peloponnese you will find trains leading to Peloponnese only while at Larissis station you will find trains leaving for northern Greece while they make several stops in between. In Larissis station you will also find the international services apart from the domestic ones such as a daily train to Istanbul in Turkey which passes by Thessaloniki and Alexandroupoli. Also travelling via Thessaloniki is a daily train to Sofia, Bulgaria. At Thessaloniki you will be able to take a train for your journey to Skopia.

There is also a possibility to visit other parts of Europe as well but this is not only time-consuming but more expensive as well so it would probably be best to use an airplane instead.
Contact information for OSE
Address:1 - 3, Karolou Str
Postal Code:10437
Tel:1110 Call Center Services
Fax:210 5297452
E -

Greek Trains Timetables Information
Recorded information about train departures are provided if you call 1440.
Special information and facilities for disabled persons are provided at the following telephone numbers:
+30 210 5298838 for Athens
+30 2410 590263 for Larissa
OSE employees in charge at all stations in Athens and Larissa, facilitate transportation of disabled persons.
Information regarding time-tables is provided at the following Stations and Travel Agencies of OSE.
Information regarding the time-tables of Foreign Buses are provided at the following telephone numbers: +30 210 5298739 - 40, +30 210 5135768 - 9.

Travel Agency no. 4, 18 Aristotelous str.
Tel no. +30 2310 598120
Railway Station
Tel no. +30 2610 639108 - 9
Railway Station

Tel no. +30 2410 236250
Travel Agency No. 3, 37 Papakiriazi Str
Tel no. +30 2410 590239
Railway Station
Tel no. +30 24210 24056
Travel Agency No.8, 17 Iasonos Str
Tel no. +30 24210 28555
Greece Trains Call Center Services - Telephone Bookings
You can book a seat by telephone (calling 1110) if you want to but it is obligatory to go and pay for it 48 hours before your departure or the reservation is cancelled and your seat will be given to somebody else.