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Kefalonia´s golden-teeth sheep

If you see goats and sheep on the cliff sides of Agia Dynati in Pylaros it may seem to you that they have golden teeth and this is truly not a scheme of your imagination! Of course they are not 24-carat teeth but they sure are golden due to the ingredients of the soil and plants that they are eating. Even Aristotle was occupied with this phenomenon during the 5th century along with the fact that these animals don't need water from October till May if they keep their mouths open to catch the moisture of the air during the winter.

The Greek philosopher referred to the way of living of the locals as well and more specifically to a cooking device made from goat hair and clay which was widely used by the women of Kefalonia. This device is called tserepa and it is a traditional product of Kefalonia. It looks like a roasting pan but it can be used as an oven as well by covering the food. Today the Kefalonians do not use the tserepa for cooking so often but there are some traditional restaurants offering meals cooked in it. The taste of food cooked in it is truly delicious.

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